Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Venting on Lazy Humans

I know I have mentioned this before but I don't get people who spend their entire weekend just laying around the house watching TV or surfing the internet. What happened to getting together with friends or family and doing outdoor activities? This is why America is FAT. And I don't mean Phat. I mean effing FAT. You know why you have to use a wheelchair to get from the car to the store? It's not because of your genes. It's not because of a medical condition. It's because over the last fifteen years you have spent every spare second sitting on your ass in front of the TV eating 2500 calorie TV dinners and McDonalds takeout. It's because instead of taking the kids out and teaching them sports or how to enjoy nature, you hand them a PS3 and start them on their journey to get fat as well. I have no sympathy for you hunched over in your wheelchair, sweating buckets simply trying to reach a remote control. I have no respect either, merely disgust. And I will tell my friends later about you so we may laugh at your expense.

This probably seems very judgemental and inhumane, and you are probably saying, "Joey, you're so sweet and innocent. Why would you say such things?" One, I'm not sweet and innocent, and two, stop being so soft. Don't make me high five your face.

In other news, I conquered another hike (no fat for me for a bit) and found a relatively decent Greek restaurant on the east side of the island. Not the best Greek I have had, but decent Greek food considering it's run by Asians who specialize in different hot sauces.

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