Monday, January 10, 2011

Life in General

Yesterday I went hiking with my brother and three others to a waterfall in the heart of Oahu. We ended up getting lost and taking a side trail that turned a two hour hike into a five hour hike but isn't that usually the best kind of hike? There are two pools at the end of the waterfall and I ended up jumping in and the water was FREEZING!! Colder than the water in the mountains in the springtime. So cold. I was proud of myself for jumping in though since I have a bad fear of having my head under water. Ironically, the two people most afraid of water and who can't swim, (my brother and I) were the only two to get into the water. We may have our phobias but we also like to push ourselves.

I am really liking my job right now at Best Buy. Today I moved from Customer Service to Magnolia Home Theatre and I have to say, I LOVE being back with technology and learning all about TVs and HD again. I tend to soak up the info like a sponge and that gets me really excited. I hope this goes well for me and I succeed very well. I aim to succeed.

Tomorrow I plan on another hike with my new friend Christina and her friend. I'm loving that I have new friends that like being outside. I'm planning on the Pali Lookout hike which is a bit longer but should be awesome with views unless it's raining like it is now. I do love a good rainy day though. I can't even complain about those here.

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