Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Stuff Since I Have Been Lazy

I haven't been doing much in the way of exploration since all the boys went underway and I have very few friends outside of them. I spent another day at the beach which I have to admit is a huge stress reliever and I have been stressed about money lately. Mainly because I have none.

I am expecting a really good friend to come out next week and I have lots planned for her. Since this is the first time someone has to come to see me here I'm excited to show off the island so someone new can discover exactly what makes Oahu so fantastic. I aim to have her fall in love with it just as much as I have. Big girl pants only please.

I joined Netflix since I have all this extra time and I completed season one of Dexter. Talk about getting sucked into a show. Now I know why fat people are fat. It's impossible to leave that show for a day. Thank God I have three more seasons to go through. I should have stuck with Criminology in college.

Work is going great so far. I have learned tons and still have a ton to learn. Just today I made the store almost $9000 in revenue (excluding tax) and the bosses say I have been doing really well. I can't tell you how AWESOME it is to have a job that doesn't stress me out, I don't have to stress about it once I clock out, and the bosses recognize when you actually try and work hard. Imagine that. If you want to see some of the TV's I am selling here is my favorite one by Sony right now. I WANT this TV. The best part is I know exactly what each feature is and what it does. I love being a nerd.

Sunday is Super Bowl and we all know what that means. Amazing commercials!! I knew that's what you were looking forward too. I think I am hanging out with some of the new girls I have met, but if not, I'll be hitting the beach again since I will most likely have it to myself. Hello skin cancer.

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