Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some Background

In my life I have lived in Michigan, California, Colorado, and now Hawaii. If I stay in one place too long I get antsy and spend hours and days researching other places I NEED to go too. I'm 28, 6'2", single, have a piddly bank account, and really own nothing to my name.

My last boyfriend asked me what my passion was once and at the time I couldn't answer the question since I didn't know. He's also the one who said I was going nowhere. Since that time, I have thought about it constantly and it came to me that my passion is actually NOT having a career but really just doing precisely what I want in life. For me that includes a lot of moving, traveling and outdoor adventures. I really could care less if all I have is $2 in the bank and literally only own clothes. I'm happy and personally I think that's more than a lot of people have. Don't get me wrong. People who have true passion and determination in their pursuit of a career and money are sometimes very admirable. I however think too few people actually take the time to relax and smell the roses so to say. If I ever have grandkids I want to have tons of stories of my explorations and travels, not stories of how I spent my life at a job I hate to make more money.

This blog will be a record of anything and everything I do that continues me on my path of "going nowhere and doing nothing with my life". Considering the new year is just around the corner, I feel now is the appropriate time to start this.

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